As an agnostic, my faith had always been shaky, especially in times of doubt. Recently I had been exploring my faith despite my skepticism, and one thing that I kept thinking about during this point of my journey was the 2nd coming of Jesus. The idea of Jesus’s 2nd coming felt distant, like it was always going to be just around the corner but never coming, permanently out of reach. Well, that was at least how it felt. Even though I knew Jesus would eventually come back, it had seemed irrelevant and inconsequential to me faith, as something I didn’t need to worry about. However, two recent dreams flipped my way of thinking around. The dream I had were about biblical angels chanting hymns while circling God/Jesus who appeared as a bright light. Later, with Mr. Jung help, I figured out that the angels in my dream had exactly matched the description of some key events in revelations. But the second dream I had was vastly different. Instead of the angelic sight of the first dream, I saw 7 angels blowing trumpets, causing me to wake up in a cold sweat, the feelings of dread and urgency spreading through my whole body. Upon further analysis, this is warning from Jesus Himself, showing me a glimpse of the future and the urgency of the situation. These events are very real, and unless people start treating the Bible more seriously, there is no telling what would happen to those who don’t. This isn’t even limited to the 2nd coming of Christ, but the things we do in this life to honor and please God. Though disaster and even death may seem distant, you will never know how close they are, so it’s always good to be prepared by honoring the Lord and following the wisdom of the Bible.
God's warning