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Kingdom of God played out in sports

~Testimonials around the world~

"Thank you so much for these videos. They speak right to the heart of what we want to instill in our students and helps to bring clarity in word and thought to how we present God's word to our students through sport."

/ School Teacher / Asia /

"Wow, your Meal-Watch-Talk Christmanship is just like Sports Alpha, amazing!"

/ Director of Sports Ministry / Europe /

"He enjoys reading the book so much that he couldn't put it down."

/ Mother of the Boy / North Africa /
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"For our group, no one really played sports BUT gamesmanship is visible everywhere, and this sparked some fruitful discussion and reflection. Initially, they couldn’t connect the dots but after the facilitators gave some examples then it became quite clear about the world being about ‘blame and shame’ or ‘winning at all costs’, versus Christ who did a very different type of winning
We spoke extensively about workplace striving but the better way of being content in Christ and pursuing fruit of the Spirit first and foremost."

/ Small Group Leader / Asia /

"I'm interested in leading our college athletes through the Chritsmanship book, and would very much LOVE a PDF copy"

/ Campus Pastor / North America /

"I am translating the Christmanship in our language bit by bit for our sports family group on social media. This testimony is amazing.  I hope our sports ministers get transformed by the messages"

/ Athletic Trainer/ Asia /
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